Multiline Merge fields

Created by Martin Parkinson, Modified on Thu, 12 Sep at 4:44 PM by Paul Martin

This facility only exists in Influence Professional versions later than and some TYPES only exist in later versions of the software. (e.g. The CANDDOCS type is only available from ver or later)

Contents  (Click an Item to Jump to that section)


Syntax for Multiline

Syntax for Multiline inside a table

Example of a Multiline Merge Field

List of Types

Booking Multiline


Candidate Documents Multiline

Compliance Multiline


Interviews Multiline

Invoice Multiline

Journal Multiline


Example of Compliance Document Attachment


The Influence software has a new MULTILINE merge facility which can be used on template documents and template emails to display multiple records. This is often useful for producing particular emails such as a summary of a candidate bookings, or a confirmation to a client with multiple interview dates/times on a single email.


Syntax for MULTILINE.


[[MULTILINE=TYPE;Parameter1=xxxxx;Parameter2=xxxxx;….]] FFFFFFFFF [[/MULTILINE]]

Where TYPE is replaced with one of the TYPEs listed below, and the Parameters are replaced with one (or more) of then Parameters associated with the chosen TYPE.
Parameters should be separated with a semi-colon. (;)
FFFFFFFF should be replaced with fields chosen from the Catalogue

Note - if you experience any issues with words cut out in Templates that use Multilines, ensure that you remove any character returns and re-enter them.

Furthermore, sometimes syntax can be changed slightly in certain cases.




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Syntax for MULTILINE inside a TABLE

It is also possible to 'wrap' a Multiline field inside a TABLE field to create an output that displays the data within a Table. 

Essentially the format is:

[[*TABLE=4 | Title 1 | Title2 | Title 3 | Title 4 | [[MULTILINE=?????]]  Field 1   |  Field 2  | field 3 |  field 4 | [[/MULTILINE]]  *]]

As you can see, the [[MULTILINE=????]] needs to be included in the first table field after the Titles and the [[/MULTILINE]] needs to be included after the last field, but before the table field is closed with *]]

Which will produce a table something like the one below:


Note: When emails are passed to Outlook, tables will only work if you have specified an email signature against your UserID within Influence. IF you try to pass a table to Outlook without an email signature, it will not work and will appear as plain text rather than as a table.


EXAMPLE of a Multiline merge field


Gives the output as below

10/03/2014 - 09:00 to 17:30 on 10th March 2014
11/03/2014 - 09:00 to 17:30 on 11th March 2014
12/03/2014 - 09:00 to 17:30 on 12th March 2014
13/03/2014 - 09:00 to 17:30 on 13th March 2014
 14/03/2014 - 09:00 to 17:30 on 14th March 2014

Your last booking is on [[ENIK_DATE]] at [[ENIK_END_TIME]] [[/MULTILINE]]

Gives the output

Your last booking is on 14/03/2014 at 17:30

(i.e. the output has been REVERSED, and then only ONE LINE has been shown)

Note: When using multi-line fields if a particular parameter does not work it is likely that it was only introduced in a later version of the software than you are currently using, and you will require an update before the parameter will work.

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List of TYPES

Reads through bookings depending on journal type for the date range specified. Date range may be overridden by using THISWEEK or NEXTWEEK parameters


This runs thought the bookings in reverse order – If used in conjunction with ONELINE (below) it allows you to list details of the ‘Last’ booking.
Uses the data from the ‘First’ relevant booking line.
(ver. onward)      
Based upon Todays’ date, it will only select bookings for “Last Week”
(NB: This is only necessary if you are using the field on a document/template called from anywhere other than the ‘Confirm Bookings’ screen)
Based upon Todays’ date, it will only select bookings for “This Week”
(NB: This is only necessary if you are using the field on a document/template called from anywhere other than the ‘Confirm Bookings’ screen)
Based upon Todays’ date, it will only select bookings for “Next Week”
(NB: This is only necessary if you are using the field on a document/template called from anywhere other than the ‘Confirm Bookings’ screen)
This will show details for ‘un-filled’ bookings – by default they will be excluded from the output unless this parameter is specified.
This will only show ONE line per candidate, even if they have multiple bookings during the given period.
 This will only show ONE line per site, even if they have multiple bookings during the given period. It is useful when producing a 'schedule' showing a list of the site addresses where a candidate will be working this week. (Only available from ver or later)
 Y gives only timesheeted records, N gives only un-timesheeted records, and if omitted then all records will be included). When confirming bookings to contact via Macro Manager from Timesheet Entry this parameter must be set (either Y or N). [only available after version] 
 If selected this will only show bookings for the chosen contact from the 'Confirm Bookings' screen. If omitted the multi line field will show ALL bookings at the site, irrespective of the selected contact. (Available after release )

If selected this will only show bookings of the specified TYPE (e.g. CAN - cancelled). If omitted the multi line field will show bookings which are 'working time'. (Available after release
Can use mutliple types, separated with commas after release
Use H to select only Hourly-rate bookings or D to select only Daily Rate bookings. (Available after release
(Only applicable to multi-office systems). If this is added to the parameters of the multi line field then the output will be restricted to display only bookings which match the current office of the user.
e.g. If the user was logged in as the "Driving" office only bookings added by the "Driving" office would be printed - bookings added to the same client by the "Construction" office would not be included.

If a client has multiples sites (branches) then normally the system would only show bookings from the selected site. This Parameter forces the system to display bookings from ALL sites regardless of which site is currently open.
(Only available after release )
This restricts bookings to the specific Contact; it is designed to work with templates called from the [TIMESHEET ENTRY] option.

NOTE: In order for bulk confirmation to Contacts, you must include 'CONTACT' as a parameter in the multiline, which only works when TIMESHEETS parameter is set to either Yes or No:

(Only available after release or later,)


Booking Details:

This might produce output, looking like: 

Booking Details:
06/04/2020 - 09:00 - 17:00 : Receptionist Andy Anderson : (Site: Leatherhead (Head Office))
06/04/2020 - 09:00 - 17:00 : Secretary Candy Button : (Site: Reigate)
06/04/2020 - 09:00 - 17:00 : Receptionist Holly Stevens : (Site: Croydon)
06/04/2020 - 09:00 - 17:00 : Receptionist Holly Stevens : (Site: Croydon)
06/04/2020 - 09:00 - 17:00 : Receptionist Holly Stevens : (Site: Croydon)
06/04/2020 - 09:00 - 17:00 : Secretary Tanya Typist : (Site: Sutton)
07/04/2020 - 09:00 - 17:00 : Receptionist Andy Anderson : (Site: Leatherhead (Head Office))
  07/04/2020 - 09:00 - 17:00   : Secretary  Candy Button :   (Site: Reigate)

Example 2: (Used from TIMESHEET ENTRY for Bulk confirmations to client/contact)

Bookings with no Timesheet



This might produce output, looking like: 

Bookings with no Timesheet:
02/08/2023 Role: Bricklayer Start Time: 09:00  End Time: 17:00  Break: 60 min  Client: ABC Supplies Epsom

03/08/2023 Role: Bricklayer Start Time: 09:00  End Time: 17:00  Break: 60 min  Client: ABC Supplies Epsom  

04/08/2023 Role: Bricklayer Start Time: 09:00  End Time: 17:00  Break: 60 min  Client: ABC Supplies Epsom

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MULTILINE= CANDDOCS   (only available from ver or later)
Scans through the attachment buffer and reads the candidate record for each candidate document found.



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MULTILINE= COMPLIANCE   (Available from Ver or later)
Reads through the compliance items for a candidate or client. If not specified the default is candidate.

Parameters can be separated with Semi-colon,  



CHASETo be used in conjunction with the new Compliance Chase module, this will restrict the items included within the multiline to only those specified as part of the CHASE Code that has been defined.
Available from version or later
(Default is CAND if missed off)
 (Only dependencies of selected code)
(All if not used)
 Y = Items with an expiry date, N = Items without and expiry date, E=Near Expiry, X=Expired, B=Blank
It is only possible to specify ONE answer for this parameter
(enter a number of days, or a range of days within which time the item will expire. e.g EXPIREDAYS=30-60 will list items due to expire between 30 and 60 days time.)  (EXPIREDAYS parameter only available from or later) - Range available after version
 (Only include compliance items with/without a reference number)
(Only include compliance items with/without Issue Date)
(Only include compliance items with/without documents)
(All items with a specific group or groups, Multiple groups separates by commas  e.g. GROUP=DRIV,REFS)
(Mandatory flag – Can use combinations e.g YW for mandatory and warn, WN for warn and not mandatory)
(allows users to choose specific compliance codes that will be listed in the multiline output, e.g. DBS,DRIV,PASS) (only available from or later)

(allows users to choose specific compliance codes that will be excluded/omitted in the multiline output, e.g. CPC,DBS,CINC)

This can be a list of valid compliance types separated with a comma. In addition, an asterisk (*) may be used which will include any compliance item not associated with any compliance types. (See example 4 below - only available from release or later)
ROLEONLY=Y/NWhen set to ROLEONLY=Y this will only show compliance codes that are associated with the 'Main Role' for the candidate (as seen at the top right of their Record)
(ROLEONLY=N will show items that are 'generic' and not associated with any role.)
ROLE=XXXXThis will filter the items and only display those which are specific to a ROLE. e.g. ROLE=RGN would only display codes specific to the RGN Role
(only one code can be specified)
(or ORDERBY)=EXPIRY/DOCUMENT/QUAL/CHECKED – use these to specify which of the dates the output will be sorted by. (If  you experience problems with SORT, update to a version after
specify the word Reverse to reverse the order of the sort. (If omitted it will not be reversed)

When used with the Compliance Chase module this will restrict the codes to those specified within the chase.
e.g. If you have setup a chase that looks at Right to work, Proof of ID & Driving Lic., then adding CHASE will restrict the merge field to only those specified items.
(Available from v1.00.23.318 or later, see Example 5 below)

Example 1: Items which require a Document, Expiring in 45 Days or less


This will produce a list of Compliance items for a candidate which require a document to be stored and have expiry dates which will expire within 45 Days.

Example 2: Items that are specifically needed for RGN which have an Expiry Date 


This will produce a list of Compliance items for a candidate which have an expiry date, but only those relevant to the role RGN. (Items which are 'generic' and not linked to any role, such as Right-To-Work will be excluded).  They will be sorted by expiry date order.

Example 3:  Non-compliant Mandatory or Warnable Items plus any such items specific to the Role RGN

You might want to produce a list of expired/missing items for a candidate, including generic items plus any specific items related to their ROLE. To do this would require two multi-line fields

Generic Items


ROLE Specific Items


.The above pair of merge fields will produce two lists of items; 

List 1 (Generic Items) will be items which are Mandatory/Warnable but NOT linked to any specific Role. This will typically include items such as Right-To-Work, Proof of ID, etc. that are needed by all workers.

List 2 (Role Specific Items) will be items specific to the main ROLE for the candidate. i.e. If they are an RGN, then it would list items that are specific to RGNs such as Vaccinations, Blood tests, etc.

Example 4: List if Compliance Items that are linked to the Type MED OR those that are not associated with any Type

If you are using Compliance Types, then you may want a field to show only the items from the relevant Type(s), such as


The merge field above will list compliance items that are linked to compliance type "Medical" along with any compliance types that have no type association at all. (Specified with the * )

Example 5: Compliance Chase email (To be used with Compliance Chasing Module)

If you are using the Compliance Chase module, then you can construct a simple email to chase the items which have been defined as part of the CHASE.  In the example below it will send a list of all items included in your chase *if* they have not yet been returned and ticked as completed.  


Before we can proceeed to find work for you, we require you to submit the following documents or items: 

Documents/Items Required



Please can you send these to us at your earliest convenience.

Many thanks,

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Reads through the interview/match records for Clients, Candidates or Vacancies or a specific list of interview records.

In addition to the interview record for each line, the relevant candidate and trade detail record will be read for client and vacancy journals, client and site records for candidate and vacancy journals and vacancy and contact record for client and candidate journals.


 (A list of specified interview records has been supplied. This should not be used without instructions from Influence)

Use the field

[[MULTILINE=INTERVIEWS]] multiline details [[/MULTILINE]]

Multiline details - replace this text with the details that you want to send by choosing fields from the Catalogue.
Whichever fields are chosen will form the body of the email and be repeated for each candidate who is sent.
Typical examples are Candidate forename/Surname, Interview Date & Interview time.



Would produce 

Billy Bean on 02/03/2023 at 11:00 with Gary Goldfish 

Andy Admin on 02/03/2023 at 14:00 with Gary Goldfish 

James Burton on 03/03/2023 at 16:30 with Andy Abbott

NOTE:  When building the list of interviews this field will only consider interview dates that are current/future. Any Interview dates in the past will not be added to the merge field.

 e.g. If the confirmation was sent on 15th Feb 2023 then only interveiws on or after that date would be listed  {For interviews before that date, it's too late !! - Doh. }

Reads through the lines on the current invoice record.



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Reads through the journals for the relevant journal type (i.e. Client, Candidate, Contact, Vacancy, Interview) and date range specified in the parameters.


 (If omitted then all journal will be displayed irrespective of direction)
This can be used to specify which method(s) will be included in the list. If omitted then ALL methods are assumed. The chosen methods can be specified as a list, e.g. METHOD=EPSG
This can be used to specify call types to look for. You can specify multiple call types, but each must be 4-characters long. e.g. CALL_TYPE=SCV TOBSBUSD
Will display deleted journals if set to ONLY. If omitted then false is assumed and only non-deleted journals are displayed.


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When adding the merge field the entry should start with

[[MULTILINE=???????]]  where ????? is replaced by the relevant type of multiline, e.g. BOOKING, JOURNALS, etc.
The entry should be ended with [[/MULTILINE]]

There are also various additional parameters which can be used, e.g.



Below is a list of the  journals you have been sent (email)


If you have any problems, please contact us immediately so that we can make alternative arrangements

A template such as this, might produce output looking like :-

Dear Martin

Below is a list of the  journals you have been sent (email)

26/03/2018 14:52 ABC Products Application Information
We have sent your application and are awaiting feedback.
As soon as we hear we will let you know.

29/03/2018 09:46 ABC Products Application Update
We have heard back from our client and on this occasion you have been unsuccessful.
We will contact you if another suitable position arises, but in the meantime best of luck.

If you have any problems, please contact us immediately so that we can make alternative arrangements

Note: When using multi-line fields if a particular parameter does not work it is likely that it was only introduced in a later version of the software than you are currently using, and you will require an update before the parameter will work.

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Example of Compliance Document Attachment 
(Only available after release

The template below is an example of  a booking confirmation that could be sent to  client and would attach a document relating to the "PASS" (Passport) compliance item from a candidate.


Here is a confirmation of the bookings for [[MULTILINE=BOOKING;ONELINE]] [[ENID_FORENAME$]] [[ENID_SURNAME$]][[/MULTILINE]]

Booking Details:

Compliance Items to Attach

The field shown in RED is the one which will attach the relevant compliance document from the candidate.

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[Keywords: Multiline, multi line, multi-line, multiple line, multilines, multi-lines, multi lines ]

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